Sunday, April 08, 2012

La Guitarra Nostalgia

Date: 7th April 2012, Saturday
Venue: Tampines East CC

Hello you small little kids.
Please correct my post title if I'm wrong, I can't quite remember (old alreadyyy)
Haha, hope you guys had a good experience today!

As usual, there's no good or bad performance as long as you put your best effort to it.

Just be glad that you are not playing at the Esplanade (as the seniors before me did the last time for an AHS anniversary concert) where every ting and bam of the guitar and the screech of footstools can be heard by every ear in the hall.

Well, just a side note from what I observed today and...... in my opinion, I think it's really important to look out for one another and I think that's what is a bit lacking in the current ensemble. If everyone looks out for each other things would go much smoother, lesser naggings.

You guys gotta be a tad more alert and initiative too alright, (like missing shoes, missing person and the additional chair on stage) don't leave it all to "the people in the committee" everyone ought to be at the same level as an ensemble but of course since the committee takes direct instructions from the teachers in charge and Mr Shi so they ought to have a certain degree of responsibility and they also ought to have a certain degree of respect from their peers.

Bet you guys are all tired and maybe hungry after the guitar concert today!
Have a good rest and cheers to a better bonded guitar ensemble! :)

Lots of love from the bossy ex ex ex vice president, Charmaine.
P.S. Be nice to Mrs Koh & Mr Shi.
P.S.S I updated the song list and the commitee list on your left, put in all the spanish songs to make us look atas and I'm sorry i don't know Tabitha's and Michelle's surname.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012



My dear lil' juniors.
My best wishes to you all for 2012.
Hopefully Ahguitar can grow more under a brand new committee.
Please treat Old Shi and Koh nicely.

I have seen some of you guys during the guitar farewell chalet and I'm pleased to see the cute prezzies you got for the cute pressies.

Tip here: Be initiative and you will not be scolded by Mrs Koh ^^

Signing off~
Charmaine the EX EX EX VP.